Sunday, May 1, 2011

What is NaPro?

I have to say I've been very hopeful about the two avenues that I've researched, NaPro & SIRM. I'm only going to talk about NaPro today.

"NaProTECHNOLOGY works cooperatively with the procreative and gynecologic systems. When these systems function abnormally, NaProTECHNOLOGY identifies the problems and cooperates with the menstrual and fertility cycles that correct the condition, maintain the human ecology, and sustain the procreative potential.."
To me? Its natural family planning and charting based soley on cervical mucous (CM). So you can use it to avoid pregnancy or achieve a pregnancy. Another great website to visit is Pope Paul VI to learn more about FertilityCare & NaPro.

So I signed up for a group session (for free) at Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hill, PA. Mike and I went Tuesday evening. The session was put on by Erin, a CRNP from a local Ob/Gyn office, Center for Women's Health. It turned out to be informative for the average Joe who doesn't know a whole lot about charting, getting pregnant, CM, etc. A lot of it was reviewed in our natural family planning class before we got married. However, what I did really really like about the session was we got to ask Erin individual questions at the end and in private. She was super helpful. She listened to my story and said she could understand how frustrated I must be that no one is listening to me. :::DING DING DING::: WE GOT A WINNER!!! She told me that their practice would be willing to work with SIRM and try to get to the bottom of this, unlike my current RE & Ob/Gyn. Needless to say, my current Ob/Gyn & RE have been fired! She also told me that she really thinks the NaPro could help me figure things out and if not that SIRM would be very thourogh.

So I'm charting now based on my CM which should be fun since I always have a discharge. I know already that my luteal phase (LP) is shorter then average but I've never put it down on paper. I've already made an appt but unfortantly they will not see me until after 2 months of charting which is frustrating as well.

So at least, I have hopefully found a new Ob/Gyn. Check one. Complete.

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