No I'm not pregnant. BUT after TTC since Oct 2007, changing Ob/Gyns not once but twice, changing from a local RE to an out of state RI, after 4 m/c and one live birth...I have a answer and possibly more to come.
I finally got my blood tests back that I had done at the end of April. And drum roll test came back POSITIVE!!! Seriously?! After 4 m/c? It infuriates me BUT at the same time I'm thrilled to no end to have an answer if not more to come.
So I'm positive for MTHFR. Not only am I positive for the gene mutation A1298c I carry T-W-O! Yes, that makes me homozygous. From my understanding, homozygous is worse then if I only had 1 copy or heterozygous. So let's review a little. MTHFR puts people more at risk for blood clots, in this case usually in very small and tiniest blood vessels. Guess where tiny blood vessels exisit? Yup, your uterus among other places.
So why does this put you more at risk for blood clots? Well when the mutation exists your body does not absorb Folic Acid properly possibly due to a lack of Vitamin B complex (B6 & B12, I think). So not ony will I be taking extra folic acid I will also be taking extra Viamin B6 & B12. There is a possibility since I'm homozygous that they may recommend taking Lovenox as soon as I get a bfp. Obviously there are pro's and con's to Lovenox but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
There is another MTHFR mutation, C677T that is worse then A1298C. And a compound meaning a carrier of each mutation is just as bad.
I have some questions as to whether DH & Landon should be tested. Why did I have such a normal pregnancy with Landon? Thank GOD I did! I'm curious if DH is a carrier of the mutation or not. Is it possible if he is at least heterozygous that all the babies we lost were homozygous and Landon was not? Would that affect anything or have nothing to do with it? I DON'T KNOW. If you know anything about me...I HATE NOT KNOWING!!!!!
Or is it possible after being on extra folic acid since my 1st baby, my body was getting enough and Landon was a result of 10 months extra folic acid? Not sure.
Having MTHFR will not only affect you during your childbearing years; it will put you at higher risk for thrombosis (blood clots), arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries), Alzheimer's, stroke, heart attack, Fibromyalgia, migraines (especially with "Aura" migraines), osteoporotic fractures, bone marrow disorders and for those of child bearing years, it has found to be connected to higher incidences of down's syndrome, spina bifida, other neural tube defects, trisomy, miscarriage, stillbirth, implantation failure, placental abruption, preeclampsia, higher incidences of autism, among others.
So expect to see some new resources in the upcoming weeks about MTHFR.
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