Since my last post I have seen Dr. Hall at Ndlouvo Women's Health for my 2 week follow up from my D&E. It pretty much went as well as my RE appt last week. So nothing earth shattering.
I started the appt out by explaining how unhappy DH and I were with my RE appt. I explained that he wanted to repeat the autoimmune testing and suggested a sonohysterogram. I told her I didn't understand why he wanted to wait with the autoimmune testing or what difference it made whether I had hcg yet still in my system. She reassured me she would have done the same thing and that I was in "good hands" with Dr. Dodson. I also asked about DH's issues. In the past 6 months he was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and (borderline) low testosterone possibly caused by the hypothyroid. She told me this would NOT cause RPL. I said something along the lines well DH is almost 13 years older than me and could this possibly effect his sperm. She said well sure age can affect the quality of sperm. :::sigh::: Tell me how can borderline low testosterone NOT effect his sperm quality? Testosterone helps produce sperm! How could this not be a possibility and why isn't anyone investigating it? Give me a solid medical answer that this is not a possibility that is effecting our situation? If a thyroid problem in females effects our fertility and ability of carrying a baby, how does it not effect a males sperm which could effect the quality of an embryo? Yes, a lot more could go wrong in the females body. I get that but :::bangs head on closest wall::: why am I just going in a circle? Why isn't anyone listening?
Speaking of immune issues if you have questions about how it works, this is a great site I came across in "Is Your Body Baby Friendly?".
So who is going to listen to me? That's a good question. I hope that it is going to be Dr. Corley at Sher Institute for Reproductive Medicine or SIRM. I have a free phone consultation on May 12. I'm hoping he is going to come up with a action plan other then the basic tests that my RE is willing to do. I came across Dr. Corley through a friend I've met on a private PL board. Amy struggled with recurrent chemical pregnancies.
I'm hoping in the next few days to weeks to go through and look at what "above average" RE's test for and explain them individually (ie antibodies, WBC, Natural Killer Cells, ANA, APA, etc...). As well as keep you updated on my appts.
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