Sunday, September 25, 2011

Normal, normal, normal

Well, Dr. Daggs nurse called me and A-L-L my labs came back normal so far; bacterial cultures, STD cultures & my sonohystogram which we already knew was normal.

So onto hormonal labs which based on my CM looks like will be starting Wed. I'm going to consult with Erin since finding my peak day is critical for this test. I got a + OPK yesterday & had some right ovary twinges. So yay for O!

For what its worth, after reading the last article I posted I'm considering adding Vitamin D & Fish Oil to my daily medicine cocktail. I suffer from seasonal depression and anxiety. Since I share everything...I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety over 10 years ago when my parents seperated for some time. Ever since I did really well on a low dose of Prozac & occassional visits to a pshycologist. [I will say that I did not take Prozac after I was 6 months pg and while I was bf because if I remember correctly the baby can become dependent on it and at birth can go through withdrawl symptoms. Do NOT quote me on that.] It wasn't until last year that I had a huge relapse. It was bad, I almost checked myself into the hospital. My pshycologist of 8 years had just left the area and my PCP was clueless about it. I did well after we adjust the dose of my Prozac and finally found a new pshycologist but ever since I don't feel 100%. So maybe adding all of this will help. I will keep you posted.

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